Met everything possible future negotiations can be very beneficial or total failures. It all depends on how smart your movements and decisions are. You can be on your way to success, once you have an idea of the operations involved in this trade.
These are some points to keep in mind:
-- Remember that the prices at which the product is sold forward is not determined by the commodity exchanges. Prices are based on demand and supply conditions. If the sellers are more than buyers, prices will decline, and vice versa. They are also determined by the buying and selling orders.
-- The futures markets are regarded as clearing houses for the current supply and demand information. Buyers and sellers of financial instruments, agricultural products, petroleum products and metals respond to those markets.
-- The primary objective of a futures market is to provide an effective method to manage price risks.
-- Hedgers and speculators are two groups of prospective traders.
-- Hedgers: They place their interest in commodities behind and try to avoid the risks included in the change in the price of commodities. You can be protected against the fluctuations that occur in market prices by hedging. Transférant a risk taker occupational hazard is involved. For example, if you are a manufacturer, you can protect yourself against fluctuations in raw material prices by hedging in the futures market. Coverage shall include the sale and purchase of coverage. You can buy and sell futures in the same quantity, as a protection against the risk of price change, while you still hold stocks.
-- Speculators: They predict market moves and buy commodities of no practical use to them. They buy these commodities "on paper" and still make profits out.
-- If you do not have the requisite experience or resources, it is better for you not to try to speculate or forecasting the market. Performance future results can not be based on the results of your past performance.
-- Futures contracts are traded on a term of the exchange. These are standardised contracts which may be useful for the purchase and sale of a certain product and at a predetermined price and date. The contract gives the right to buy and sell, unlike options contract, which does not.
Advances in technology and communication electronics and introduced new tools to better futures trading. However, you may end up losing thousands of dollars if you are not correctly perform the procedures involved.
By : Joseph Kenny
Friday, March 28, 2008
This means that for a small deposit, a trader can have access to a significant amount of vacancies, which has the effect of magnifying gains and losses relative to the margin required.
For example, a job in one of the leading British blue-chip companies may require an initial margin of 5%. This simply means that if you were to open a position to the value of £ 10000, your account would require an initial margin of only £ 500.
Gains and losses therefore visit this example will be amplified by twenty times, which can make spectacular profits, but also substantial losses.
The effect of the margin
Contrary to common stock deal, using the margin means that you can lose more than you invest. You do, however, have the opportunity to protect yourself by using stop losses and it is recommended that you set for each of these exchanges.
If you lose more than your initial margin payment in a single day, you would be required to pay the difference to the CFD broker.
If the loss is more gradual you are required to keep the margin completed the minimum required percentage or close some of your positions in order to reduce the margin requirement.
If you fail to make prompt payments margin, some or all of your position can be closed by the CFD and losses broker could again exceed your initial margin.
Earnings on the open positions are credited to your account every day and the losses are deducted, and that amount is called the variation margin.
The costs involved
If you buy a share, or another base index, which is also known as "opening a long position" or "going long", you will actually borrow money from the bank for the period Trade is open. Therefore, you have to pay interest until the position is closed.
If you sell ( "the opening of a short position" or "go short"), with the intention to buy later, you will consequently interest until the position is closed. Please note that there is a difference between the interest rates levied on long positions and the percentage of the interest earned on short positions.
In conjunction with the committees of opening and closing of trade, there are no other costs for the opening of a CFD position using the margin.
A real example
In the following example, we show a scholarship traditional approaches to the costs and compare it to the equivalent of trade using the CFD.
Traditional treat: Opening Trade - 5000 HBOS share
Purchase Price - 900p
Cost crude - 45000.00
Timbre - 225.00
Commission@0.5% - 225.00
Net cost - 45450.00
Closure of commerce - Ten days later
Sale price - 920p
Gross - 46000.00
Commission@0.5% - 230.00
The net proceeds - 45770.00
Profit overall and the return on invested capital - 320.00 (0.71%)
Cost crude - 45000.00
Commission@0.5% and no stamp duty - 225.00
Net cost - 45225.00
Margin required (5%) - 2261.25
Gross Profit - 46000.00
Commission@0.5% - 230.00
Financing costs (10% pa days@8.5) - 105.32
The net proceeds - 45664.68
Profit overall and the return on invested capital - 439.68 (19.44%)
What happens every night is that the profits or losses accrued at the end of the day, if the position is "market value" are added to or subtracted from the initial margin.
After the position is closed, the initial margin is credited to the client and the gain or loss is simply the sum of the variable margin for the time it was open.
Gains and losses are magnified using CFD. Using the advantages of leverage, a small filing enables large profits to be done - in this example, the return on equity was almost 20% in just two weeks.
Of course, if the price has changed in the opposite direction compared to the loss of the deposit is magnified accordingly, and you can lose more than your original deposit.
The margin required varies in response to price movements of the underlying commodity. At times, you may be required to place funds on deposit, especially in periods when market conditions are highly volatile, as the coverage rate can be raised by the CFD broker.
How to work on the cost of interest on long positions
In this example, a trader buys CFD ( "going long") 10000 Vodafone shares at a price of 170.25p. The total value of this theoretical position is 10000 x 1.7025 = £ 17025.
One night interest would be £ 17025 x 8.5% (prevailing interest rate, plus 3%) divided by 365. This equates to £ 3.96 interest charged each night while the post remains open.
One word of caution
The negotiation of these markets is generally regarded as suitable only for the most experienced in the exercise of investors a high degree of risk than stock purchases.
You should know how much you can lose and potentially honestly assess if you can afford to lose because of the financial resources and your investment objectives.
Changes in exchange rates can also cause your investment to increase or decrease in value and the tax laws may be subject to change, and if in any doubt, please seek further advice.
By : Mike Estrey
Trading system creator your own business
Stock options are wonderful! This clever derivative of the stock market must be one of the most ingenious inventions of the modern era. For the trader who can learn to gain from options trading there is a lot of luxuries in life that can be experienced.
Success in trading options requires a consistent approach to the long-term success. This statement is not meant to be grand, idealistic comment made by "some theorist trading ', but rather a declaration born of hard knocks and success experiences of the author and many others in the long run, successful trader contemporaries.
This "coherent approach" to trading of options can also be called a "trading system", or a "system of trading options" in this case. "Exchange system" is not necessarily limited to a series of computerized "black box" trading signals. a trading system could be something as simple as "buying an option on a stock in an uptrend that breaks the top of the bar earlier after at least two days of pull back down movement that make low. "trading system is simply an organized approach that takes advantage of a structure or a repeating event that brings net profits.
Since an option is a "derivative" of the stock, you need to get your options trading system for a stock trading system. This means that your trading system should be based on current stock price movements. That said, your trading system does not need to work for all stocks, it is enough to work for certain types of stocks, the volatility of some stocks of certain price levels and stocks - So, focus on the system Commercial certain stocks whose behaviour that prices East predictable, the bottom line to wish you a summary of a stock.
You can set up a trading system, an approach to the negotiation, and a method of negotiation in the identification of a model of price change (or lack of price movement pattern) or an event taking produced on some sort of regular basis. That means you can trade price behaviour on the prices of paintings such as traditional card trends, swings, pivots, the boxes - or you can trade that drive stock prices, such as the benefit is running, running post gains, stock splits or seasonal factors. Bout line to make maximum benefit from trading options you want your stock to move quickly in your favor and you want him to move away. Just a relatively small movement in the price of a stock can double your money in the options!
There are so many different strategies and combinations that you can trade with options. You can buy calls and puts for directional trades. You can use the word spreads and spreads to put trade movements with a directional buffered risk and profit. You can buy or sell spreads to receive credit for the premium by the decomposition of the expiry of options. You can straddle trade and strangling if you expect a big transfer, but do not know in what direction. You can also obtain a coverage rate spreads, condors, and butterflies. And if you are really crazy feeling that you can sell 'naked' options (just a better use of a stop or you will end up like one of my old college buddies of Commerce, which operated an account at 20 million dollars, and then gave back all the naked put options.) You can go to for more information on options trading.
Directional options trading systems are the best. Keep it simple, buy calls and puts upside trade or purchase a disadvantage for trade. But it means that you need a trading system directional stock to trade directional options.
Here are two different approaches to systems management:
Develop an options trading systems for the trading fluctuations in the share price movement. There are many good swing trading systems available today. We suggest that you obtain one. Bottom line with swing trading is that you want to swing trade with the trend. Options brokers have advanced these days to technology that will allow you to enter swing trades based on the price movement of the stock so that you do not need to look at this stock throughout the day. What tremendous progress in swing trading options.
Swing Trade du jour bars. Most of the swing trading systems are based on daily bars on the stock price chart.
Swing the intra-day Bars! Their fantastic other systems based on intra-day charts that pin point swing trading entries.
Develop a system for trading options for the trading of three to six months trends. That's where the money is big. Major trends of the negotiation is the place where many of them are able to put large sums of money to develop their net worth.
Develop a system for trading options for the trading hubs. Pivot point trading is probably the best way to trade options, because of the price action is generally volatile, and occurs rapidly in our direction when a trade works.
This is a good reason, you can use the short-term options and leverage yourself a little better. And it is also nice, you can make dramatic gains in five days to four weeks on average, so time decay issues become less of a problem.
There are various methods of trading directional you could use it to trade options. You must choose one work, and never use more than 10% of the options position on the size of the trade on small accounts from 1% to 5% maximum on the position of the larger accounts. This methodical management options for the money is the fastest way to potentially account of the rapid growth, helping you to avoid setting back.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Metalurgi Proses
Metalurgi proses atau metalurgi ekstrasi merupakan teknologi proses untuk mengolah bahan tambang atau mineral menjadi logam atau prosuk-produk lain yang bermanfaat bagi manusia. Itulah sebabnya di habitat alami. Metalurgi proses sangat terkait dengan cirri pengolahan mineral.
Dalam garis besarnya ada tiga kelompok proses yang tergolong dalam lingkup metalurgi proses ini, yaitu :
- Proses piro atau proses dengan temperatur tinggi
- Proses hidro atau proses dengan menggunakan media air
- Proses pemisahan fisik
Proses piro yang semula berasal dari kata piro yang berarti api atau pembakaran. Pada perkembangan berikutnya tidak lagi selalu menggunakan proses pembakaran. Pemanasan menggunakan listrik, baik yang berlandaskan prinsip tahanan, busur api, induksi hingga plasama mulai lazim digunakan. Sementara yang menggunakan api sendiri bias dikelompokkan berdasarkan bahan baker maupun jenis reactor (Tanur).
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Diagram Fasa
Suatu diagram fasa adalah kumpulan kurva yang menunjukkan limit kelarutan. Pada salah satu sisi kurva terdapat fasa tunggal larutan tak jenuh (Cairan atau padatan).
Campuran adalah material yang lebih dari satu fasa.
Komposisi larutan beragam, Karena satu atom mungkin dapat digantikan oleh atom lain dalam struktur fasa, atau atom-atom mungkin menempati lokasi interstisial dalam struktur. Zat Terlarut tidak mengubah pola struktur terlarut. Sebaliknya, suatu campuran mengandung lebih dari satu fasa (pola structural).
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Struktur Kristal Logam
Logam adalah suatu unsur yang mempunyai sifat-sifat seperti : kuat, liat, keras, mengkilat, dan penghantar listrik dan panas. Sifat-sifat metal pada umumnya dapat digolongkan atas :
a. Sifat-sifat Ekstraktif/kimia (Chemical Properties)
Meliputi cirri-ciri dari komposisi kimia dan pengaruh unsur terhadap metal (logam)
b. Sifat –sifat mekanik (Mechanical Properties)
Yang disebut sifat mekanik ialah sifat bahan bilamana dipengaruhi gaya dari luar, yaitu : kekuatan tarik, kuat bengkok, kekerasan, kuat pukul, kuat geser, dan lain-lain. Sering pula dimasukkan sifat teknologi dari material ialah mampu mesin, mampu cor dan sebagainya.
c. Sifat – sifat Fisik (Physical Properties)
Meliputi sifat logam yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh tenaga luar, yaitu : berat jenis, daya hantar listrik dan panas, sifat magnet, dan struktur mikro logam
Sifat a dan b sangat penting bagi perencana dalam menentukan dan memilih logam untuk keperluan konstruksi dan rancangan lain.
Struktur Kristal
Logam seperti bahan lainnya, terdiri dari susunan atom-atom. Untuk lebih memudahkan pengertian, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa atom-atom dalam kristal logam tersusun secara teratur dan susunan atom-atom tersebut menentukan struktur kristal dari logam. Susunan dari atom-atom tersebut disebut cell unit.
Pada temperatur kamar, besi atau baja memiliki bentuk struktur BCC (Body Centered Cubic). Dalam hal ini cell unit dari atom-atom disusun sebagai sebuah kubus dengan atom-atom menempati kedelapan dari sudut kubus dan satu atom berada di pusat kubus. Pada temperatur yang tinggi, besi atau baja memiliki bentuk struktur FCC (Face Centered Cubic). Dalam hal ini, cell unit adalah sebuah kubus dengan atom-atom menempati kedelapan dari sudut kubus dan atom lainnya berada pada pusat masing-masing dari enam keenam bidang kubus. Disamping berbentuk kubus, cell unit lainnya dapat berupa HCP (Hexagonal Close Packed), seperti halnya pada logam seng. Dalam hal ini atom-atom menempati kedua belas sudut, atom lain menempati dua sisi dan ketiga atom lagi menempati tengah.
Susunan atom-atom dalam struktur kristal sangat menentukan sifat-sifat logamnya. Logam dengan struktur kristal BCC mempunyai kerapatan atom yang lebih rendah dibandingkan logam dengan struktur kristal FCC. Perbedaan kerapatan atom itu dapat dilihat dari jumlah bidang gesernya. Pada struktur kristal BCC, jumlah bidang gesernya lebih sedikit dari struktur kristal FCC, sehingga kemampuan atom-atom untuk bergeser lebih sulit. Dengan demikian, logam dengan struktur kristal BCC membutuhkan energi lebih besar untuk mengerakkan dislokasi. Hal ini yang menyebabkan logam dengan struktur kristal BCC lebih sulit dibentuk jika dibandingkan logam dengan struktur kristal FCC yang mempunyai kekuatan rendah tetapi memiliki keliatan yang tinggi (ductility)
Struktur Mikro
Struktur mikro logam merupakan penggabungan dari satu atau lebih struktur kristal. Pada umumnya logam terdiri dari banyak kristal (majemuk), walaupun ada diantaranya hanya terdiri dari satu kristal saja (tunggal). Tetapi logam dengan kristal majemuk memungkinkan pengembangan berbagai sifat-sifat yang dapat memperluas ruang lingkup pemakaiannya. Dalam logam, kristal sering disebut sebagai butiran. Batas pemisah antara dua kristal pemisah antara dua kristal disebut batas butir (Grain Boundary).
Baja dengan butiran yang kasar cenderung kurang tangguh, namun baja jenis ini lebih mudah untuk permesinan dan mempunyai kemampuan pengerasan yang lebih baik. Untuk baja yang berbutir halus, disamping lebih tangguh juga lebih ulet dibandingkan dengan yang berbutir kasar.
Besar butir dapat dikendalikan melalui komposisi pada waktu proses pembuatan, akan tetapi setelah menjadi baja, pengendalian dilakukan dengan proses perlakuan panas. Tidak semua baja mengalami pertumbuhan butir yang berarti setelah pemanasan diatas daerah kritis, beberapa jenis baja dapat dipanaskan pada suhu yang lebih tinggi tanpa mengalami perubahan ukuran butirnya. Hal ini merupakan karakteristik baja karbon sedang, suhu pengkasarannya tidak tetap dan dapat berubah-ubah, tergantung pada pengerjaan panas atau dingin sebelumnya.